
Our Christmas Carol Service

On the last day of the year we come together in ST Pius X Church to hold our annual Carol Service. We sit and listen to readings of the Christmas Story and sing carols. During the service, KS1 children create a tableau of the Stable scene.


School trip to Westminster Cathedral for the CCS Christmas Liturgy

Every year we send some of our children to the Catholic Children's Society Christmas Liturgy. Actors present the Christmas story and children make up a tableau in front of then altar. There is also a real sheep and donkey that make their way along the nave of the Cathedral during the presentation. Year 6 children attend the Good Shepherd Mass at the end of the Year.




The School Crib

The School Crib is a focus point for the community as we preparation for Christmas. It is put up at the beginning of Advent and all are invited to visit the Crib and prayer to the baby Jesus.
We mark the appearance of the School crib with a special service. Children lead this service by placing the figures in to the crib while we all listen to Gospel readings which tell the Christmas Story.



The Advent Wreath reflection

On the last day of the Autumn term the whole School gather together to reflect on the advent wreath and the meaning of each symbol: the three purple candles, the pink candle and the evergreen circle. An image is displayed on the overhead projector for each of the 5 candles as they are lit in turn by staff. The community listens to readings and reflections presented by the children. We all meditate with singing and moments of stillness.



Chalking the Doors

Each year, using blessed chalk, Catholics mark the doorpost of their home with an inscription of the new year separated by C+M+B. For instance, in 2025, the inscription is 20+C+M+B+25.
We remember the three Wise Men, (C) Caspar, (M) Melchior and (B) Balthasar who followed the star to Bethlehem (20) two thousand, and (25) twenty-five years ago.

Chalking the door is a centuries-old way to celebrate and to (literally) mark the occasion of the Epiphany with God’s blessing of our lives and homes. We follow this tradition at St Charles by marking our classroom doors with these signs and symbols. We invite God’s presence into our classroom and ask His blessing upon all those who work in the classroom throughout the coming year.


Advent Reconciliation Service

As part of our Christmas preparations, all pupils in years 4 to 6 visit Fr Peter during Advent for a Service of Reconciliation.


Our PFA Christmas Fair

We enjoyed a wonderful celebration together, thanks to the PFA, who worked hard to set up and run our Christmas Fair.

There were lots of Christmas themed food, drink, games and entertainment to enjoy.





