
At St Charles, we strive to instil children’s curiosity about the world, as well as their place in it. We deliver an enriching curriculum to enable children to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, and for children to be fascinated about the world around them.

Geography is concerned with making sense of the world around us and being able to interpret the human and physical forces that shape the earth. It explores the relationship between the earth and its inhabitants through the study of place, space and the environment on a number of different scales. In the teaching of Geography we help develop the children’s understanding of their place in the world around them, and aim to promote a responsible attitude to world citizenship and to the pursuit of a sustainable environment. We encourage children to learn by experience and we value fieldwork as an integral part of the Geography curriculum

Programme of Study

Nursery and Reception work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals. Once children exceed the Early Learning Goals or enter Year One, they begin to work towards the National Curriculum  (2013) end of stage Attainment Targets through the study of various topics in Key stage 1 and 2.

The Progression of Skills in Geography

There are four areas within the school’s Progression of Skills Framework which include Enquiry, Communication, Fieldwork and Map Skills. As a school, we recognise that each of these areas is an important part of Geography education.

Teachers use the school’s Progression of Skills Framework to ensure that learning experiences are appropriate for each student’s age and ability, and to ensure that all pupils are progressively building upon the essential skills needed to be successful in the Geography curriculum.   Teachers also use this framework to ensure that pupils of all attainment levels are making good or better progress within the Geography curriculum.

How can I help my child?

  • Read maps with your children;
  • Show them where different countries are;


  • Talk about different localities, the weather, different landscapes etc.