
At St Charles, our Languages curriculum aims to foster children’s curiosity about languages and help deepen their understanding of the world. Our curriculum allows children to express their ideas and thoughts in Spanish and provides opportunities for them to interact and communicate for practical purposes with others, both in speech and in writing.

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Learning another language allows children to experience other cultures, fosters their curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world.

At St Charles, Spanish is taught from Year 3 to Year 6 by native Spanish–speakers. The main focus is around communicating in meaningful contexts. Lessons help children to develop the key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening through games, songs and a wide range of learning opportunities. We aim to give children the confidence to explore and communicate in another language and equip them with important language learning skills that are transferable to the learning of any language. Key grammar points are taught such gender agreement and verb conjunction.

Language lessons allow children to experience cultural aspects of Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.