Special Educational Needs

SEND Curriculum Vision

At St Charles we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where everybody in our community is valued and respected. We aim to enable each child to reach the highest possible standards of achievement whilst recognising and valuing differing natural abilities and strengths amongst the children. We believe that all staff are responsible for the education of all children regardless of their needs or abilities. At St Charles pupils with SEND will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum through the specialist SEND provision provided by the school. We aim to provide a rounded curriculum for all pupils including the most disadvantaged and those with SEND so that they achieve highly and are ready for the next stage of their education.

All our children have access to quality first teaching in every classroom, which is adapted to meet each child’s needs, and includes:

  • Where a child has additional needs, including special educational needs, we excel at identifying them early on
  • Teachers make provision for SEND pupils in all planning in order for each child to succeed in every lesson.
  • Class teachers will ensure any extra support provided for their SEND learners is an addition to their learning and does not replace the input from the class teacher.
  • Teachers will ensure there is a variety of pupil groupings for learning and working together.
  • Developing children’s independence across all areas of the curriculum.
  • Where a child needs more than quality first teaching we plan a range of interventions to support them progress from their various starting points. These interventions are reviewed regularly following a graduated approach of assess, plan, do and review.
  • Monitoring curriculum progress for all pupils on the SEND Register is takes place termly, and agreed targets are reviewed.
  • We provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to meet the needs of all children.
  • Where a child has more complex special educational needs we work closely with Local Authorities, external professionals and follow a multi-disciplinary approach.
  • All children, including children with special educational needs, are supported by dedicated class teachers and support staff who receive regular training to ensure every child makes progress academically, socially and emotionally.
  • Valuing parent’s contributions at all stages of their child’s education.


What does this look like at St Charles Primary School?

At St Charles Catholic Primary School we strongly believe that every teacher is a teacher of SEND children. SEND provision is effective as we work in partnership together, with parents, Local Authorities and outside agencies to remove barriers to learning in order for SEND children to make progress from their various starting points.

Pupils with SEND will:

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day
  • Have access to quality first teaching and adaptive resources in every lesson
  • Be fully involved and encouraged to contribute to their own learning and personal targets, where possible.

Pupils with SEND may access:

  • Specific group or 1:1 support in order to support different areas of the curriculum
  • Take part in interventions both inside and outside of the classroom
  • Take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions e.g. class circle time, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) support, MIND Team, School Counselling or signposting to support outside of school
  • Support from our Communication Champions who can deliver speech, communication and language interventions
  • Support from outside agencies such as our Early Years and Inclusion Advisor, Bi-Borough Inclusion and Autism Advisory Team, SEND Inclusion Team, Educational Psychologists and Ormiston Outreach Team (OAT).



As a result of the provision, children at St Charles Catholic Primary School will:

  • Feel safe, secure, happy and included at St Charles Catholic Primary School
  • Show confidence and resilience in the classroom
  • Be confident at sharing their ideas
  • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities
  • Make progress from their various starting points
  • Develop independence and skills to support themselves throughout life
  • Work collaboratively with their peers on shared tasks