
Easter reflection for The Stations of the Cross

Please spend time with your family to use this reflection during Easter.


Year 5’s assembly – The Passion of Our Lord .

Each year Year 5 pupils present the Passion of Our Lord. They begin with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his Last Supper, his arrest, Crucifixion, burial and his Resurrection. The story is told with prayers and songs.

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday Fr Peter came to the School to bless and distribute Ashes on Our foreheads. We do this to remind us that without God we are as useless as ash. When the ashes were distributed Fr Peter said, ``Turn to the Gospels and reject sin``.



Our Lenten Promise Tree

Every year we prepare for the Season of Lent by thinking about the things we have done wrong. We chose one thing we are particularly sorry for and we write it on to a paper leaf. These are used to create a Lenten Promise Tree display in the Hall. During every assembly we use the display to reflect on Our promises to God and ask Him for the strength we need to keep them.



The Stations of the Cross whole School reflection

Over three mornings during Holy Week the whole School community gather together in the Hall to reflect on the final hours of Jesus' life. An image for each Station is displayed on the overhead and a candle is lit. Prayers and reflections are read by children and staff and we meditate with music and stillness.

